Laser hair removal is a very expensive procedure that can result in skin damage and discoloration. It is important to learn about all the facts before you sign any contract for laser hair removal.
About Laser Hair Removal
Guest author below discusses all the important facts that could play a part in how successful your procedure may be. Many factors are relevant.
Facts About Laser Hair Removal
By Ekrem Civas
· Lasers all produce a bright pure red light that is not cancer forming. It does not penetrate far into the skin, just a few millimeters. It is not like X-rays or radiotherapy. However it is dangerous to eyesight and protective goggles must be worn.
· Discomfort during laser treatment is minimized with Nd yag laser. The surface of the skin is protected by built-in cooling systems which help to protect and soothe the skin during treatment of your unwanted hair.
· Side effects are very low ;redness and irritation of skin is temprorary. How does Nd yag laser work?
Lasers are non-invasive light therapy systems which have been custom designed to eliminate undesired hair from all parts of the body.Fourth generation Nd yag generate pulses of intense, concentrated light which are directed through small, cooled hand pieces which are gently applied to the treatment site.
Older intense pulsed light (IPL) systems were flash lamps producing a spectrum of light energy rather than laser light. Those intense pulsed light systems were limited by their short wavelength and so tended to stun rather than kill hair follicles, so that there is often an unacceptable amount of hair regrowth, even after many "intense pulsed light" treatments.
· First generation Ruby laser: 694 nanometer (Epilaser™, Epitouch™, Chromos™)· Second generation Alexandrite laser: 755 nanometer (Epitouch ALEX™, Photogenica LIPR™, GentleLASE™)
· Third generation Diode laser: 800-810 nanometer (LightSheer™, Apex™)· Our fourth Generation Cutera Coolglide Nd Yag laser® laser uses the longest available, deeper penetrating 1064 nanometer wavelength. Cutera Coolglide Nd Yag laser® reaches even the deepest hair roots, which can be 4-6 mm below the skin surface in some cases.
The long 1064 nanometer wavelength of Coolglide Nd Yag laser Nd yag laser makes it possible to safely and effectively treat all people -- even those with tanned, very dark or black skin. Like all lasers, the Coolglide Nd Yag laser® works more efficiently on light colored skin -- so to minimize the number of treatments you need, try not to have a fresh suntan when you come in for treatment.Coolglide Nd Yag laser® also allows the operator to adjust the duration of the pulse of laser energy to best suit the thickness of the hair shafts on different parts of your body. Some older laser systems lack this degree of fine control.
What areas of the body can be treated?ALL parts of the body CAN be treated (and ARE treated) with the Coolglide Nd Yag laser® hair removing laser. In women, the most common areas for treatment are upper lip, chin, bikini line, arms and legs, and underarms. In men, the most common areas for treatment are shoulders and back, and the beard area. While it is technically possible to treat even the eyelashes and eyebrows, we do not treat those areas at the present time. The top of the eyebrows can be treated when the forehead is treated. Nd yag laser is customized for the treatment of large untanned areas like the legs and back.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ekrem_Civas
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