If you are thinking about getting laser hair removal done, you have probably done some intial research on the procedure. You probably already know that it can take 3-5 treatments to see results and that not everyone actually sees results.
The costs can be a little up there - ranging from $300-600 per treatment. There can be some minor side-effects to the treatment, like pain or swelling. In some cases skin discoloration can occur.
If you take all of these known facts when deciding to get laser hair removal - is it really worth it? You have to really consider how much you dislike shaving every day - every other day and how much you are willing to go through to not shave.
For me, I think it would be nice to not have to shave anymore. But, I have made it a part of my regular routine and I do it without even thinking about it. If you put money aside- this is hard to do since most people don't have thousands of dollars lying around---I think I would consider getting it done in the bikini area only. The skin in this area gets irritated so quickly when you shave - it would be nice to not deal with that. Shaving the rest of my leg is a piece of cake compared to that area.
What would you do - if money were not a factor- would you get laser hair removal so you didn't have to shave anymore? Leave your comments below.