Friday, September 17, 2010

Laser Hair Removal for Men

Not only is hair removal a daily chore for women, but also for men. Men must shave their face every day- if they don't want facial hair.  And they must shave or trim hair around the hair line in the front and back.

There are many different types of razors available today that offer quick and easy removal of unwanted hair. Also there is a large line of shaving gels, creams, etc. to use in combination with the razors.  Electric razors are also an option, but they don't offer the extreme closeness one can get from shaving.

More men are opting for laser hair removal for certain parts of the body, such as the back and neck. Laser hair removal can involve multiple sessions for permanent or reduced hair growth. The success rate of laser hair removal can depend on your skin and hair color. Some men only experience a hair reduction in the treated area. 

The procedure can be costly, but in the long run will save you time and money. See more details on Laser Hair Removal for Men

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Laser Hair Removal Gains Popularity

More and more men and women are looking to laser hair removal as an option for hair removal.  Everyone is sick of daily routines of shaving. The stubble that grows back almost instantly can be quite annoying.

Imagine not having to shave anymore?
Besides shaving, other options for hair removal include waxing.  This is a somewhat painful procedure where hot wax is poured on the leg and then wripped off with a cloth that brings the hair with it--ouch.

While laser hair removal can be a slightly painful procedure, it does have long term benefits. For one it can result in permanent hair removal or a drastic reduction in hair growth. How does that sound as a benefit? Just think, never having to shave again, no more nicks or cuts, no more stubbles, no more shaving cream or razors--that is the ticket.

Laser hair removal can be an expensive service. If you are interested in checking it out, call several laser hair clinics in your area to ask about their services.  Or better yet, schedule a consultation with a doctor to get more detailed info.  Laser hair removal isn't for everyone. In fact it isn't successful for certain skin and hair colors. Be sure to prepare for your laser hair removal consultation by asking the right questions.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Importance of Checking out Laser Hair Clinics

Recently in Coral Gables Florida a women underwent laser hair removal and experienced painful burns in the underarm area.  She recently filed suit against the doctor.  As it turns out, the doctor that she went to wasn't even licensed for laser hair removal.

These types of situations tell you that it is very important to check out all the details of each clinic before you agree or sign anything.  Yes, you should be reading all the fine print in those contracts, looking up the clinic with the Better Business Bureau, verifying that the doctor or clinic has the appropriate license for the state, and also the appropriate medical license for performing laser hair removal.

It is best to schedule a consultation with several different clinics in your area and compare all of them after you have all the details.  Come prepared to the consultation with a list of questions and be sure to ask them all.

Serious injury, even permanent injury can occur if laser hair removal is not done correctly. Don't make the mistake that the women in Florida made, CHECK THEM OUT first.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Things to Consider with Laser Hair Removal

Is Laser Hair Removal Treatment Right For You?
By M James

If you're considering having laser treatment, then whilst you might know a little bit about it, you'll still want to know whether it's right for you.

Here's what you need to know.

1. Laser hair removal is very effective, and great results are achieved by nearly everyone.

2. Laser hair removal treatment manages up to 90% reduction in hair, so if you want to get rid of unwanted hair on your face, then this might be the best way to do it.

3. As well as being suitable for getting rid of hair from the face, this method of removing unwanted hair can be used all over the body. This is ideal if you're blighted by unwanted hair which is stopping you from wearing the clothes you want to, or is affecting your confidence.

4. This hair removal method is safe and regulated, so that you can reassured that the treatment you have will be carried out by well trained professional experts, who know what they are doing.

5. This method of hair removal is extremely precise, so there is no damage to the surrounding cells. You won't have the risk of cutting yourself shaving.

6. There's also no pain involved, unlike waxing, so you can relax in a comfortable environment whilst having your hair removed.

7. Most people will need to have their hair removal treatment either 4 - 6 or 8-12 weeks apart for the best results. This is so there is time for the hair follicle to grow back first, and then it can be removed again.

8. As a guideline, most people will need 7 - 10 sessions in order to get the best results. As the treatment is painless and doesn't take long, you could have the treatment after work, or perhaps at lunchtime.

9. Men as well as women are having this treatment, as it so effective. Unwanted hair doesn't only affect women, so it's no surprise that thse treatments are popular with men. if you're a bit on the hairy side, then why not see if this treatment could be what you're looking for?

10. Those who have had laser hair removal treatments are impressed with the results, and will often recommend it to other people. If you're fed up with shaving or waxing, having to think about what you wear, or feeling embarrassed about your appearance, then this might be what you need.

Now you know more about it, you'll be able to decide whether laser hair removal treatment is right for you.

If you're looking for a []Laser Hair Removal Treatment, then why not see how Total Fitness Laser can help you? With clinics in Manchester and Liverpool, you won't have to travel far for your Laser Hair Removal. With Red Vein Treatment, Age Spot Treatment, Microdermabrasion, and Anti Aging Treatments also available, you can enhance your look and regain your confidence easily. Find out more at today.

Article Source: Is Laser Hair Removal Treatment Right For You?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Laser Hair Removal and tanning

Laser hair removal targets dark pigmented hair color. It is best to avoid the sun several weeks before getting any treatment done, even letting a tan fade, to have successful treatment.  If the skin is too dark, the laser hair removal may not be effective or you might experience some skin discoloration.

Be sure to ask questions such as tanning and sun exposure when you go to a laser hair removal consultation.  See more laser hair removal questions

Friday, June 4, 2010

Updates on Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Laser Hair Removal Update

By S Brooks

Hair removal is getting popular these days, especially with young women in their mid 20s. This is probably because of the images on TV and in magazines of young actresses with smooth, clean skin, free of hair on the face and legs, and even sometimes the bikini line. With all the commercial products that promise permanent hair removal, it is quite difficult to discern which ones really do the job. Most people going for hair removal have however chosen hair laser as the most effective way of permanently removing hair.

There are many ways to remove hair, but only so called "epilating" (removal of hair from the root) can make hair disappear longer than other means. Epilating can be done in many ways such as tweezing, threading, hot wax, using enzymes or turmeric to inhibit the renewal of hair cells, electrolysis and laser hair removal. Some of these methods like waxing and threading can be quite painful while others, such as using oral medications which inhibit hair growth, electrolysis and laser hair removal are not really painful, but more expensive than the other methods.
There are also other means of removing unwanted hair, which fall under "depilation" or the removal of the hair on the skin level. Shaving is the most common depilation method as well as the use of depilatories (creams which can dissolve hair), but all these methods are only temporary and hair grows back several days after.
The permanent procedures of removing hair are, of course, far more costly than ordinary depilation methods. Most people who prefer permanent hair loss would rather go for laser hair removal, which is not only painless but also provides longer results. There are also less or no side effects for individuals who opt to do laser hair removal.

When choosing the right hair removal centre, make sure that you ask your surgeon the following questions, in order to find out more about the procedure:

1. Cost
This is the number one question you should ask - how many treatments would you have to take and how much each treatment would cost. The total cost of the procedure may seem very expensive at first glance, but may be more economical in the long run if you consider your savings from no longer buying creams and other hair removers, plus regular waxing treatments. You should also ask how many treatments you have to undergo before permanent removal of hair is achieved.

2. Side Effects
Although most laser hair removal is painless, you should also find out if risks such as burning of the skin, skin rash and scars will occur after the treatments. It will be better to go to a reputable, maybe more expensive surgeon who performs the procedure successfully, rather than go to an inexpensive, inexperienced surgeon, who may not know what he is doing. It will be worth it not to worry about complications after the procedure.

3. Recovery
Ask if you should expect pain or skin irritation after the procedure and find out what to do in case these things happen. Usually, a special moisturizing cream is prescribed in case of pain or irritation.

Try to find out more about the laser hair removal procedure before deciding to go for one. If you do decide to undergo the treatment, choose a surgeon who is highly recommended to avoid risks.

For more useful information about hair removal go to:
S Brooks is a specialized researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues.

Article Source:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Laser Hair Removal and Pain

Laser hair removal is a very popular service today. Many women are paying thousands of dollars to get the procedure done. The thought of never having to shave again is the major incentive.

But the real question is, does it hurt. Well yes and no. There is some mild pain associated with the procedure. If you are highly sensitive to pain, then you will probably need to take something before you get it done. There may be some mild side effects like swelling, redness, etc. that lasts for several days after the procedure.

Some women experience just a little bit of mild pain when getting the procedure done. Be sure to ask your doctor about what would be best to take if you are concerned about the pain.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is Laser Hair Removal Really Worth It?

If you are thinking about getting laser hair removal done, you have probably done some intial research on the procedure. You probably already know that it can take 3-5 treatments to see results and that not everyone actually sees results.

The costs can be a little up there - ranging from $300-600 per treatment. There can be some minor side-effects to the treatment, like pain or swelling. In some cases skin discoloration can occur.

If you take all of these known facts when deciding to get laser hair removal - is it really worth it? You have to really consider how much you dislike shaving every day - every other day and how much you are willing to go through to not shave.

For me, I think it would be nice to not have to shave anymore. But, I have made it a part of my regular routine and I do it without even thinking about it. If you put money aside- this is hard to do since most people don't have thousands of dollars lying around---I think I would consider getting it done in the bikini area only. The skin in this area gets irritated so quickly when you shave - it would be nice to not deal with that. Shaving the rest of my leg is a piece of cake compared to that area.

What would you do - if money were not a factor- would you get laser hair removal so you didn't have to shave anymore? Leave your comments below.